Blogs give you a voice on the web
Anybody and their dog could bring their soap box to the Hyde Park in London and pronounce whatever they wished, so long as they don’t insult the Queen.
In the same vein, anybody (including their dog) can start a blog of their own. And since no one can stop progress, bloggers now can insult anyone they please. Sure, a lawsuit or two might follow, but it’s still better than going straight to jail for disparaging Windsor Castle and its inhabitants.
Blog is short for weblog. Its an online diary where you can write about any topic you your wish on they web, leaving it open for public consumption.
Here’s an example of a blog by TechnologyTips’s Andy Walker.
Blogs have become logical extension to the web itself. Web pages are easier (read: cheaper) to build and maintain than any printed medium or radio or, heaven forbid, even TV. All you need is a computer and an Internet connection. Of course, to be read, you’ll need an idea or two, also, but what to write is another story altogether.
Blogs have become a shorthand form of web publishing.
Generally, there are three main types:
1) Blogs created on individual domains that look just like independent web site run by web geeks that know how to build them.
2) Blogs created using weblog software (e.g., WordPress)
3) And blogs created using hosted blogging services (e.g. TypePad
or MySpace or Blogger).
You can read a lot about these topics in our previous stories: Blog your world to the world or Blogging our way through life, or even Widget an integral part of a blog, to name just three of the multitude.
To pick the right blogging service for you, consider two things: what it is you will want to say, and how will you want to say it.
If you have a particular subject in mind, it’s best to choose a blogging service that knows a thing or two about your theme. Political blogs such as Progressive Bloggers and biziki provide a haven for politically-minded individuals to share criticisms, ideas, all aimed at the world of politics. If you’re into sharing your experiences abroad, travel blogs (e.g., TravelBlog) allows you to mingle with fellow globetrotters, post photos that everyone can envy, and share your traveling expertise. There are hundreds of blogs that accommodate bloggers of all interests, so whether you’re devoted to a type of music, fascinated by business mergers, or keen on the latest fashion trends, there’s a blog for you.
Media type
Once you’ve chosen a blogging topic, your next step is to consider how you want to get your message across. Times have changed since the early years of blogging, when all you could do was post in plain text. Now, you can incorporate all kinds of different media types. This gives you a variety of ways to express yourself. So whether it’s photographs, videos, or music, there’s a blog engine out there that will satisfy your needs.
Photographs (photoblog)
The most popular photoblogging services include Flickr- Photo Sharing and Fotolog. They allow users to tell their stories using photographs. Depending on the provider, there might be limitations on how much you could upload and the sizes of the images that would be displayed. Often, the host site will resize the image if it takes up too much space. Also, some sites provide tools that allow you to add captions, descriptions, and edit the pictures you’ve uploaded.
Sketch and paintings (sketchblogs)
Sketch and painting blogs are much like their photoblog counterparts, but are specially catered with the artist in mind. It’s intended for those aspiring art students, amateur artists, or anyone who wants to show their artistic side. If you want to convey your message through drawing, painting, or creating art of any medium, you can find many others who share in your interests.
Videos (videoblogs/vlogs)
Vlogs have been made popular by the YouTube phenomenon. Users can post their own creations, comment and rate other people’s videos, and even create playlists of their favorite videos. Since YouTube’s launch in February of 2005, many people have become famous by showcasing their talents. Musicians have got contracts, actors have found roles, and those who have created stunning videos have heard praise by all and sundry. Some have even received massive views just by speaking their mind and ranting about current events. So if being in the public eye is what you’ve always longed for, or if you have an important message to get across to the rest of us, creating a videoblog could be right in your alley.
Music and audio (MP3 blog and Podcasting)
Music blogs, better known as Podcasting, are audio segments uploaded by individuals usually based on a specific theme (e.g., politics, language, travel). Some even provide mini lessons on various topics such as learning a new language. If radio broadcast has always been a dream of yours, Podcasting will turn that dream into reality.
Mixed media (tumblelogs)
Some blogs provide mixed-media capabilities. These sites allow you to upload and share anything from links, to photos, to even videos with your online peers. For example, Facebook and MySpace allow their users to post audio and video clips on their personalized profile pages, so that all your friends can enjoy them too.
A few more details
Although individual domains give you complete control of your content, it requires at least basic knowledge of a web publishing language (e.g., HTML, CSS,) or a web developing tool (e.g., Microsoft Expression Web, Adobe Dreamweaver
). Also, the more complex and flashy your blog gets, the more computer language you need to know and the more time you’ll spend organizing and archiving past posts. Besides, reserving your domain name will cost anywhere from $6.95 to $35 a year depending on the registrar (e.g. Dotster
or NetworkSolutions ) and the services they provide (e.g., e-mail, webpage template).
Most weblog software is simple and straightforward, but it could limit your content, depending on the client you choose. There are open-source and freeware applications out there, however, some applications are proprietary; so cost might also be an issue.
Still, most people choose the blogging service route, since everything is taken care of for you. All you need to do is be your creative self and let the world hear what you have to say.